Stellar reviews, simplified.


When a product is brand spankin’ new or totally innovative, you may have the opportunity to share private feedback with the brand through a survey.

“I have had the opportunity to test amazing new and innovative products, precisely when I most needed them. Some of the products I’ve been exposed now become the ones I eagerly recommend to family and friends.” Kelli B., Stellar Reviewer

Brands want your opinion to help shape their products!

With a survey, brands can often surface issues or concerns with the product before it launches, affording them the chance to make product improvements based on what they’ve learned.


You can help determine if a product is ready for lift-off.

You feedback will help the brand determine next steps for the product, which may include generating reviews online.


You might be asked for your review after a survey.

We aim to be as transparent as possible about what your role will be in each testing program, including the possibility of completing both a survey as well as a review.


Private means private.

Because these are often pre-market products, we ask that you not post about them anywhere until you hear from us. Some programs may require an official non-disclosure agreement.


Our team is here for you.

If you ever have any questions about completing and survey and/or submitting a review, please reach out at